Yuk, to start with this blog I may not have chosen the appropriate recipe, as I am going with a traditional American one: cookies!
Feel free to yell at me if you find my recipe off the chart.
First, to release some of my pressure let’s not call them American cookies, but just cookies… because I have never eaten real American one (I know, that’s a shame) .
Basically for this recipe, I used my favorite technique, a.k.a. “what do I have in my kitchen so that I don’t need to go back to the supermarket” (you will quickly figure through this blog that I am kind of lazy…). Well, luckily that day I had a lot of things and thus I decided to make cookies with white and dark chocolate chips and nuts!
To make 20 cookies, you’ll need:
- 75g of butter
- 100g of dark chocolate
- 50g of white chocolate
- 1 egg
- 70g of sugar
- 120g of flour
- 1 tbsp of cornflour
- 50g of nuts
- ¼ tsp of baking powder
Pre heat oven to 180 °C (=350 F°)
Use a microwave to make the butter and the hot chocolate melt
Mix the egg and the sugar together and add the melted butter and chocolate.
In another bowl whisk together the flour, the baking powder, the cornflour and the salt. Stir it into the previous mix.
Then add the crushed nuts and the white chocolate chips (I use my blender to make them)
Drop the cookie dough onto the prepared baking sheet (they should be slightly separated) and bake them 12 minutes.
Then you’ll have to wait at least two hours before eating them, in order to let them dry.